【Workshop】 “Daidarabo and Holiburn 2014 – Let’s deliver the souvenirs of Mito to Holiburn”


16. We keep going up!!

  “Daidarabo and Holiburn 2014 – Let’s deliver the souvenirs of Mito to Holiburn”
Oct 3 2014 9:00-15:00
Alverton Primary School (Penzance, Cornwall, UK)

After the souvenirs were introduced in the Japan400 Plymouth ceremony, they arrived at Alverton Primary School in Penzance.  On behalf of Daidarabo and the children of Mito, students from Alverton primary school climbed at the top of the Carn Galva hill where Holiburn dwells to deliver him the handmade souvenirs of Mito. At the same time, they also handmade the souvenirs that can introduce Cornwall for Daidarabo and the students in Kunita primary school in return for the gift from them. Although this gift from Cornwall was supposed to arrive in Mito in spring 2015 and to be placed in the Nanatsudo park as “monument of friendship between Daidarabo and Holiburn”, it went missing during shipping and is still not yet found.